Monday, September 26, 2011

Playa #4: Barbie Death Camp

Barbie Death Camp, & things related.

All images © Corey DeGuia Photography.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"PLAYA" #3: A TRIBUTE to our Australian mates, and good friends I met along the way.

Burning Man, as I experienced it, is about community. It's about 50,000 people (from all over the world) coming together and forming the kind of society, "The Default World" should be. It's about sharing, sustainability, & overall, a consciousness of one race.
This post is dedicated to those who took us in as their own, who've shared their morning's with us in search of bacon and coffee, and friendly faces that came out of the dust, just for a hug.


Thursday, September 15, 2011


(pronounced pl-eye-uh) A dry lake bed at the bottom of a desert basin, sometimes temporarily covered with water. Playas have no vegetation and are among the flattest geographical features in the world.

Part 2 of my digital spew of images from Burning Man 2011, I've come to the decision to name the works "Playa." Enjoy Friends.

All images © Corey DeGuia Photography

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So it's about time we get this fucking ball rollin' with some actual photographs of BM 2011 riiiiight?! RIGHT! Since I have waaaaaaay to many photographs to share all at once (and there's still rolls being developed as I'm typing this), I've decided to do a weekly Burning Man post, where I digitally spew out some photos for you on this blog! So here's the first 5 ok?! OHHHHH-K!

© Corey DeGuia Photography! 2011

Things that will keep you alive at Burning Man.

Upon attending my first year of Burning Man 2011, I had a hard time deciding what to bring (as I never had to survive out in the middle of the desert for a week before!). So here are a couple of tips for you BURGINS who plan on attending 2012!

Bring a RAGE-BAG! And have this on you at all times! Contents include or should at least have:
1 Scarf for dust storms, that almost come out of nowhere.
1 Pair of eating utensils, because you never know if you are going to stumble into that bacon themed camp.
1 Small plate or bowl.
1 Camera for capturing the random sparkly fairy prancing about, or the crazy old hippy sharing the shade with you.
1 Trash bag, or tiny zip-loc baggy for MOOP (litter). Remember people, leave NO trace.

BRING A PAIR OF GOGGLES! This is vital to your vision in dust storms. I prefer military issue.

And last but not least, and probably the most crucial piece to have on you is a water container. I was unsure at first on how big of a container to bring, but a 2 quart canteen worked just fine. And always have a decent sized cup on you, you never know where that desert oasis bar is, until it's right in front of you.

All photos © Corey DeGuia Photography

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


For the past 2 summer's, our group of friends, try*, to get together every Saturday for a day at the ol' swimmin' hole. This past Saturday temperatures exceeded 100 degrees, so we decided to do it big...

For everyone who came out last saturday, CHEERS!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A dedication to THE ONLY WOMAN I KNOW, that has ever kept it real, EVER.