Upon attending my first year of Burning Man 2011, I had a hard time deciding what to bring (as I never had to survive out in the middle of the desert for a week before!). So here are a couple of tips for you BURGINS who plan on attending 2012!

Bring a RAGE-BAG! And have this on you at all times! Contents include or should at least have:
1 Scarf for dust storms, that almost come out of nowhere.
1 Pair of eating utensils, because you never know if you are going to stumble into that bacon themed camp.
1 Small plate or bowl.
1 Camera for capturing the random sparkly fairy prancing about, or the crazy old hippy sharing the shade with you.
1 Trash bag, or tiny zip-loc baggy for MOOP (litter). Remember people, leave NO trace.

BRING A PAIR OF GOGGLES! This is vital to your vision in dust storms. I prefer military issue.

And last but not least, and probably the most crucial piece to have on you is a water container. I was unsure at first on how big of a container to bring, but a 2 quart canteen worked just fine. And always have a decent sized cup on you, you never know where that desert oasis bar is, until it's right in front of you.
All photos © Corey DeGuia Photography